Drifting Down the Way | House 002 Part Three

House Rules (1)


The family is back in Granite Falls but this time there’s a cabin!


This trip was pretty much a bust. Freya spent all her time at the old campsite trying to sleep for five nights and I kept expanding the holiday so I could get the five nights in this one trip. It was rubbish. She also pretty much ignored her family the entire time and poor Preston wasn’t too happy about that.

“But I got the five nights, honey!”


Immediately upon returning home, Reginald became a Teen and I started freaking out about getting the house to $40k.


“Urg, this is the worst! I’m so sick of going on pointless vacations.”

Well, you won’t be going on any more. Freya just needs to up her herbalism skill and she’ll have a complete aspiration!


I think Freya was starting to feel guilty about her lack of interaction with her husband.


I mean, both of those bars used to be practically full.


To try and make some extra cash fast, Freya planted some stuff she picked up while collecting. These two specifically are basil and noxious elderberry so she can make the same herbal remedy over and over until she’s maxed the skill.


Working the garden alone was so much work, so we roped Reggie in to help.


When he’s not gardening, he’s playing with this lump of clay. We get daily reminders about the D he is achieving in school but I can’t force the kid to do homework so it is what it is.


Preston got old. No cakes in this household.


He then proceeded to BREAK EVERYTHING.

“It was broken when I got here!”

Sure Preston, sure.


This is Freya’s mood but it could pretty much be any of them. All three of them are constantly uncomfortable and my efforts at giving them a nice house have gone unappreciated!


I do feel a teeny bit bad when I see them sitting around like this though. In my defence, I’m trying to make money not spend all day fixing things!


Freya’s found some rare free time to actually work on her herbalism. She’s level 8 and it feels like it’s taking an age to get these last two skill points.


We eventually roped Preston into helping with the garden after a while. He was no longer painting so he was pretty much useless otherwise.


Another cakeless elder birthday.


Time is running out, there’s less than a week until Reggie becomes a young adult and I’m feeling pretty screwed on the $40k front right now.


I was going to praise Reggie for actually doing gardening autonomously, but then all he did was water this single plant.


And we made it! Now we just need to get the house to $40k. I believe!


“You can do it!”

Aww, thanks Preston!


Umm… Preston?


“I can’t look.”

Poor Preston died in his son’s bedroom while Reggie was at school. At least Freya was there to see him off.


“Urg, I don’t wanna grow up again.”

Reginald ages as gracefully into young adulthood as he did teendom.


And we didn’t make it. I was SO CLOSE! I planted the wrong plants and by the time I realised, it was too late to change things. If Freya had been in better spirits most days, I might’ve been able to collect/fish more and get that little bit extra but oh well.


Here’s the finished house. All my houses will be available to download from the Gallery (my username is Cheminimal).


And the overview. I actually really love this house and all it’s tacky greenness. It’s a shame I didn’t quite pass all the goals for this particular house but I’m moving on to House 003 regardless. Hopefully Reginald will make us proud for the next generation!

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